How to Bring the Mystique of Morocco Home: Crafting a Majlis Oasis in Your Living Space

 A Moroccan Majlis  is the traditional gathering place in Moroccan homes. It is where guests are welcomed and entertained, often with a cup of mint tea and some traditional sweets. The Majlis is designed to resemble the Moroccan architecture that is famous for its curved archways and Moorish details. The majlis design is also meant to honor the rich culture of Morocco and its many traditions.

Colombia and Italy

The majlis is a unique example of Moroccan craftsmanship and art. It was built in a collaborative effort by craftspeople from Morocco, Colombia and Italy. It features square Kufic calligraphy, a particular style of script that dates back to the eighth century AD.

The structure

The structure was made from a combination of traditional and modern materials. Its frame is made from bamboo that was hand-crafted in Colombia. The interior is covered with wool woven by the Ain Leuh Women’s Weaving Cooperative. It was first displayed at the Venice Biennale before it is headed to Qatar for the 2022 World Cup.


Morocco is a constitutional monarchy with a parliament and a separate judiciary system. The king serves as the secular political leader and “Commander of the Faithful,” while he oversees the Council of Ministers and appoints various government members. He is hereditary and has other royal privileges, such as appointing the prime minister from the party that won most seats in elections.


Moroccan Majlis  history begins with the migration of Berber tribes into the Muslim kingdom of Morocco. In 788, Idris ibn Abdallah established the Idrisid dynasty by persuading the Awraba Berber clan to abandon their ties to the Abbasid caliphs in Iraq and establish a new kingdom in Morocco. The Idrisids became a regional power and centers of Islamic scholarship, but the Fatimid Caliphate drove them out in 927.


Despite its long history of conflict, Morocco has recently had one of the best records for human rights in Africa and the world. However, there are still concerns about the country’s treatment of political opposition. It is estimated that under Hassan II’s rule from the early 1960s through the late 1980s, there were over 200,000 cases of abuse of the opposition including secret incarceration camps and extrajudicial killings.


Moroccan society places a high value on hospitality, and the majlis is a central part of this culture. Tea is served at mealtimes and throughout the day, and it is considered rude to decline a cup of tea. The majlis has also been used as a meeting place for religious scholars and intellectuals. It is the ideal setting for conversation and discussion of issues facing Morocco and its people. A common feature in the majlis is an extensive collection of books on religious and cultural subjects. The Moroccans love their literature and are proud of their heritage. They also enjoy the arts, especially music and poetry.


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