How to Illuminate Your Space: Lighting Strategies for Enhancing the Ambiance of Your Arabic Majlis

 Arabic Majlis  is a space that encapsulates the essence of Arabian hospitality and cultural values. Often found in private homes, Majlis also transcends the limits of traditional décor and can be seen in public spaces, hotels and even cultural institutions. It combines the functions of a reception room with living rooms, and projects a warm and welcoming ambiance to both friends and strangers.

The Majlis

Its importance extends beyond the physical space as it promotes social cohesion and upholds traditions among families, communities and cultures. The Majlis is a gathering place where elders of the community gather to share wisdom, discuss important decisions and resolve disputes. This makes it a powerful institution that has shaped and upheld society throughout the ages.


The Majlis is also home to the rich heritage of Arabic music and poetry. It has been instrumental in the preservation of oral culture, and has contributed to preserving and transmitting cultural values from one generation to another. This is why, in 2015, the Majlis was inscribed on UNESCO’s Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.


Traditionally, the Majlis is a huge room separate from the main house with its own entrance door. This is because Arab customs put a high value on privacy and it reflects the value of hospitality in the community. The door is typically large and inviting – like a gateway to welcome guests in. The Majlis also has lush carpets that encourage visitors to take off their shoes and feel at home.

 Arabian community

As a space where family and friends meet, Majlis is an exemplary example of how the Arabian community has valued hospitality for generations. This is why, it is no surprise that the Majlis has become a cultural icon and is embraced all over the world. It is an ideal setting for a variety of events and can be decorated in many different styles. It is a perfect choice for any event that wants to capture the culture of the Arabians.

Decor service

It is no secret that the Arabic Majlis  is a huge space with a lot of carpets and furniture. The chairs and sofas are usually made with intricate patterns and designs that reflect the culture. This is why, when it comes to designing a Majlis, many people prefer to seek professional help. The experts at majlis decor service have the expertise to transform any ordinary space into a luxurious and inviting Majlis.


They can do this by choosing the right carpets and furniture to create the perfect ambiance. They can also use different colors to achieve the desired effect. They can also add accessories and decorations to complete the look of the Majlis. This can include vases, lamps and candles. In addition, they can use decorative screens and arabesque patterns. In short, the Majlis is a beautiful and timeless piece of architecture that has shaped and upheld the culture of the Arabians for centuries.


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